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Welcome to Polotsk - an ancient and historical city of Belarus. Polotsk is a space where history and modernity are intertwined in a delightful combination. It is located in the northern part of Belarus. It is the oldest city in Belarus with a rich historical heritage, culture and magnificent nature.

The chronicles indicate that Polotsk exists since 862. However, archeologists have found evidence that people lived here already in 780. In the middle of the 10th century, the Duchy of Polotsk formed.
The first information about the town is linked with Rogvolod – the first duke of Polotsk. Then his grandson Izyaslav, the son of Rogneda, ruled the town in 988-1001.
Bryachislav ruled in 1003-1044. He increased the territory of the Polotsk lands and founded the town of Braslav. Then Vseslav ruled the Duchy of Polotsk; the duchy was powerful at that time; St. Sophia’s Cathedral was built.
There was a stronghold behind fortifications on a high hill. Houses and streets were arranged chaotically outside the stronghold. The town grew rapidly: its area was 80 hectares by the XII century.
In 1132, the people of Polotsk raised a revolt, as a result they dethroned a duke and the duchy itself came out of Ancient Rus. In the same century, some territories of the Polotsk lands were conquered by the Dukes of Novgorod, Chernigov, and Smolensk, and Polotsk had to defend fr om the Crusaders and Lithuanians.
In the second half of the XVI century, Andrey Polotsky, one of the most significant dukes, ruled Polotsk. In 1498, the town received the Magdeburg right.
The town suffered fr om the Livonian, Smolensk and Russian-Polish wars. For 20 years as part of Russia, the town had been rebuilt and expanded, new buildings had appeared, the number of residents had increased, and trade had improved.
Since 1924, Polotsk was part of the BSSR. It was occupied by Nazi German troops in 1941-44. People lived in terrible conditions in the ghetto: 10-15 families lived in one unheated house, the prisoners received only 100 grams of bread with sawdust and thin broth, no water a day. About 8,000 Jews died here during the existence of the ghetto.
Outstanding People Born in Polotsk
Euphrosyne of Polotsk is a famous enlightener of the Duchy of Polotsk, the granddaughter of Duke Vseslav. Euphrosyne rewrote and translated books. Two churches in Polotsk were built at her expense, women's and men's monasteries were opened, where colleges, libraries, almshouse, workshops of icon painting and jewelry functioned. At the end of her life, she made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, she was buried in the monastery of St. Theodosius. Today her relics are in the Intercession Church. The six-pointed cross made by Lazar Bogsha became the national relic of Belarus.
At the end of the XV century, Francisk Skorina was born in Polotsk. He graduated from the Krakow Academy, held a doctorate. Later he graduated from the Medical Faculty. In 1512, he held a doctorate in medicine from the University of Padua. In 1517, he founded the Prague printing house, wh ere he published the first printed Belarusian book "Psalter". For 2 years, he translated and published 23 books of the Bible. However, all of them violated the rules of rewriting church books, so they were not recognized by the Orthodox and Catholic church. In 1520, he opened the first printing house in Vilna, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Modern Polotsk
Polotsk with 85,000 inhabitants is considered the geographical center of Europe. Today, there are many architectural monuments of the past centuries.
In 2002, "Dozynki" took place in the regional center. In 2010, it was recognized as the cultural capital of Belarus. In 2012, the town celebrated its 1150th anniversary.

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The important information about our project
Our project consists of two parts:
  • 1. A website about Polotsk, created with the aim of gaining knowledge and enriching the cultural heritage of Belarus. And also for the development of international tourism.
  • 2. Quest game based on the received information to increase the motivation of students to learn.
  • Use the menu carefully.
Here you can see the main Polotsk's sights.
This native of Polotsk is one of the great figures of the Renaissance. He was interested in philosophy, medicine, and other sciences.

Mound of Immortality
Monument to Vseslav Charodey

Monument to the Liberators of Polotsk
Monument to Saint Nicholas

Belarusian Statehood Cradle

General Kondratenko Bust

Chapel in memory of those killed in the Afghan war
Monument to the Krivichi
Monument to the Ioan Zodchiy
Сult buildings
  • Bogoyavlensky Cathedral/ Epiphany Cathedral is a Вaroque Orthodox cathedral in Polotsk. It was built in 1761-1779 and is an architectural monument of the 18th century. Bogoyavlensky/ Epiphany Cathedral shines with the whiteness of its walls and golden domes on the green shore of the Western Dvina River near the Museum of Printing.
  • Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an Orthodox church in Polotsk, founded at the end of the 18th century. The church was rebuilt in stone, burned twice and was restored. The restoration of the temple actively continued from 1997 to 2004. As a result, the church in the retrospective Russian style appeared, which consists of a bell tower, a refectory and the main volume connected to each other.
  • Transfiguration Church of the St. Euphrosyne monastery in Polotsk is a unique monument of Pre-Mongol Rus architecture. Built in the 12th century, it was reconstructed in the 17th and the 19th centuries. Despite the reconstructions, the church has preserved the original Medieval frescoes of the 12th century. The church was painted between 1133 and 1145 by order of Euphrosyne of Polotsk.
  • Cross Exaltation Cathedral is an Orthodox church in Polotsk on the territory of the St. Euphrosyne Monastery. It was built in 1893-1897. Cross Exaltation Cathedral is a monument of monumental architecture of the Russian-Byzantine trend of the retrospective Russian style. The main property of the cathedral is considered to be the relics of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk.
  • The Church of the Great Martyr Panteleimon is a new Orthodox church opened in 2015 in Polotsk. This сhurch, which is attributed to the Bogoyavlensky/ Epiphany Cathedral, is considered as a typical example of the retrospective Russian style.
  • Dormition of the Theotokos Church is located in the central part of Polotsk near the shore of the Western Dvina River. Its construction was completed in 1998. This temple is the center of the spiritual life of the local Old Believer community, which appeared in the town back in the days of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In the appearance of this temple, there are elements of the retrospective Russian style, as well as classicism. One of the most noticeable elements is the wooden two-tiered bell tower.
  • The Church of St. Andrew Boboli is a Catholic church built in 1997 in Polotsk in the area of Zadvinye. The church looks very harmonious today. Inside, it is decorated with numerous frescoes depicting biblical scenes and fragments from the life of St. Andrew Boboli, as well as dramatic scenes of the deaths of five Uniate priests.

We offer the best ways to enjoy your time in Polotsk
We are delighted to invite you to a mesmerizing organ concert.
Prepare to be enchanted by the majestic sounds of the organ, beautifully played by renowned organist Ksenia Pogorelaya. This concert promises to be a captivating musical experience, bringing together the rich heritage of organ music and the stunning acoustics of our venue.
Discover the ancient city of Polotsk! Join us for a fascinating guided tour that will take you through the rich history and cultural heritage of this enchanting destination.
Get ready to immerse yourself in the captivating tales of Polotsk's past as knowledgeable guides lead you through historic landmarks, picturesque streets, and iconic sites.
Step back in time and immerse yourself in the nostalgic atmosphere of the Soviet era! We are thrilled to invite you to our cinema, where we will transport you into the captivating world of the USSR.
We are thrilled to invite you to a series of masterclasses at the Museum of Weaving in Polotsk. Get ready to unleash your creativity and dive into the fascinating world of clay sculpture, candle making, weaving, and other traditional crafts.
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Get ready for an exhilarating adventure along the picturesque Dvina River in the vicinity of Polotsk! We are delighted to invite you to join us for a thrilling kayak rafting experience that will take you on a memorable journey through the heart of nature.

Belarusian performances
We are excited to extend a warm invitation to you for an evening filled with mesmerizing performances showcasing the rich folklore, traditional Belarusian instrumental music, and captivating folk dances.
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Project "Polack medieval"
We are delighted to invite you to a series of workshops where you will learn the fundamentals of printmaking, delve into the art of papermaking, and have the opportunity to create a unique handmade souvenir.
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Polotsk day
The eventful program includes a march of labor collectives, honoring the best employees, enterprises and organizations. Traditionally, a variety of delicious dishes and original folk products will delight the trade and craft rows. At the same time, potato lovers will have a thematic gastrofest. Demonstration sites of the Polotsk police department, Polotsk GCS, workshops, exhibitions and much more.

Rubon Festival
Theatrical performances, performances by folk groups and Belarusian pop artists will be organized for the guests of the festival. An exhibition of museum exhibits will be held as part of the holiday. In addition, everyone will be able to taste Belarusian cuisine and buy souvenirs.

Welcome to a glimpse of timeless traditions - the agricultural fairs in Polotsk! Here, you will immerse yourself in the atmosphere of ancient customs and vibrant colors. These fairs are a true celebration for all lovers of rural life and its unique charm.

On the lively market grounds, you will find an array of offerings that surpass your imagination: fresh fruits and vegetables, aromatic spices and honey, handmade crafts, intricately carved wooden toys, and exquisite embroidered works. You will also have the opportunity to taste authentic Belarusian dishes - from mouthwatering potatoes to sweet syrniki served with homemade jam.

Yet, it's not just about products and goods - you will be fully engrossed in Belarusian culture and traditions. Local folk artisans will demonstrate their craft and share stories of its origins. Prepare to witness and hear the rhythms of folk music and witness traditional dances that enliven hearts and make feet move to the tunes.

The agricultural fairs in Polotsk are a place where you can fully submerge yourself in the authentic atmosphere of Belarusian life, experiencing

St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk day
St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk is equally revered by both Orthodox and Catholics. She became the first Belarusian woman to be canonized. The opening of the first educational institutions and libraries, the creation of a school of architecture and painting, and the development of crafts are associated with her name. St. Euphrosyne became the mother of female monasticism. She is the first abbess, the first mentor of women in the mysteries of spiritual life. The asceticism and educational activities of Euphrosyne of Polotsk were of great importance for the public and state life of the Principality of Polotsk.

Polotsk, located in Belarus, is rapidly gaining recognition as a prominent sports city. With its impressive sports infrastructure and a strong focus on athletic development, Polotsk has become a hub for various sports activities and events.
Academic Rowing
Academic rowing, also known as collegiate rowing, is a competitive sport that involves rowing in teams or crews. It is primarily practiced in universities and colleges, where students come together to form rowing clubs or teams to compete against each other at various levels.
Swimming is a popular water sport that involves propelling oneself through the water using specific strokes and techniques. It is practiced for recreational purposes, as a form of exercise, and as a competitive sport at various levels.
A sport stadium, also known as a sports arena or sports venue, is a facility specifically designed for hosting various sporting events. It serves as a gathering place for athletes, spectators, and officials, providing a dedicated space for sports competitions to take place.
Horse riding
Horse riding, also known as equestrianism, is the art and sport of riding horses. It involves a range of activities, from recreational horseback riding to competitive disciplines such as dressage, show jumping, eventing, and endurance riding.
Sport complex
Horse riding, also known as equestrianism, is the art and sport of riding horses. It involves a range of activities, from recreational horseback riding to competitive disciplines such as dressage, show jumping, eventing, and endurance riding.
Chess is a strategic board game that is played between two players on a square board with 64 squares of alternating light and dark colors. The objective of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king, which means to put it in a position where it is under attack and cannot escape capture.
Hotel "Dvina"
Hotel "Parus"
Sofia hostel
Polotsk view
1 DO NOT click this symbol or you will be out of the quest.
 2 The first object.
 3 Passed object.
4 Next object.
5 General information for reading.
6 Additional information "Useful to know".
7 Video on the topic.
8 Task on the topic to get the key.


How many stations are there?
There are 7 cultural heritage landmarks of Polotsk on the map.
Where can I find the stations?
As soon as you pass one station, the next one immediately appears.
What should I know before starting a quest?
Before starting the quest, check out the main symbols in the "symbols" tab on the site. Start the game by clicking on the active label.
How is the quest going?
At each station, you are given useful information that will help you complete the task. Study the information at each station, then watch the video. When you complete a task at the station, a code word is revealed to you. This is the code word you enter to go to the next station.

Is your website useful for me to complete the quest?
Of course, there is a lot of useful information on the site, thanks to which you will successfully complete the quest and enrich your life with invaluable knowledge about the most ancient city of Belarus.
Follow the plan and achieve success
Saint Sophia Cathedral
The monument to Euphrosyne of Polotsk

 Saint-Euphrosyne Monastery

The monument to Simeon of Polotsk

The monument to Francysk Skaryna

Museum of Local Studies

Mound of Immortality

Being a modern and utilizing modern technology in English language lessons is crucial for teachers. Here are a few reasons why it is important:

1. Engaging students: Using modern technology such as interactive whiteboards, educational apps, or online resources can make English lessons more dynamic and engaging for students. It allows for a variety of multimedia materials, interactive exercises, and real-time feedback, making the learning process more exciting.

2. Enhancing language skills: Technology offers a wide range of tools to improve language skills. For example, students can practice their listening skills by watching authentic videos or listening to podcasts online. They can also practice reading and writing through interactive websites and applications specifically designed for language learning.

3. Personalization and differentiation: Modern technology enables teachers to personalize learning experiences and cater to the individual needs and preferences of each student. With various online resources available, teachers can create customized activities, adjust difficulty levels, and provide additional support to students who require it.

4. Global connection: Through the use of technology, teachers can connect their students with English speakers from around the world. Platforms such as video conferencing or language learning apps allow for real-time communication with native speakers, promoting authentic language use and cultural exchange.

5. 21st-century skills development: By integrating technology, teachers can help students develop essential 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and digital literacy. These skills are crucial for success in today's fast-paced and technology-driven world.

Overall, embracing technology in English language lessons enables teachers to create a more interactive and engaging learning environment, cater to individual student needs, and prepare them for the demands of the 21st-century digital age. It enhances language skills, fosters global connections, and equips students with essential skills for their future success.

Our website about the city of Polotsk is tremendously valuable for both school students and tourists. Here's why:

For school students:
1. Educational resource: Your website provides a wealth of information about Polotsk, including its history, culture, and landmarks. This serves as an excellent educational resource for students who can learn about the city and deepen their understanding of its significance.

2. Language development: The website, available in English, exposes students to authentic English language materials. They can read about Polotsk, its attractions, and traditions, thereby enhancing their English language skills.

3. Engaging content: Your website's interactive features, such as quizzes, virtual tours, or educational games, offer an engaging learning experience for students. They can actively participate and interact with the information, making the learning process more enjoyable and effective.

For tourists:
1. Comprehensive information: Your website presents a comprehensive overview of Polotsk, including information on attractions, events, routes, and practical details. This is particularly beneficial for tourists who are planning a visit to Polotsk and need detailed information to make the most of their trip.

2. Language support: The availability of your website in English is crucial for foreign tourists who may not be fluent in the local language. They can access the necessary information in their native language, ensuring a more comfortable and convenient travel experience.

3. Promotion of tourism: Through your website, you contribute to promoting tourism in Polotsk by showcasing its beauty, historical heritage, and cultural offerings. This can attract more tourists to the city, benefiting local businesses and residents.

In summary, your website about Polotsk is highly valuable for school students and tourists alike. It serves as an educational resource for students, helping them learn about the city's history and culture in an engaging manner. Simultaneously, it provides comprehensive information and language support for tourists, boosting tourism and creating a positive impact on the local community.

Our website about the city of Polotsk is tremendously valuable for both school students and tourists. Here's why:

For school students:
1. Educational resource: Your website provides a wealth of information about Polotsk, including its history, culture, and landmarks. This serves as an excellent educational resource for students who can learn about the city and deepen their understanding of its significance.

2. Language development: The website, available in English, exposes students to authentic English language materials. They can read about Polotsk, its attractions, and traditions, thereby enhancing their English language skills.

3. Engaging content: Your website's interactive features, such as quizzes, virtual tours, or educational games, offer an engaging learning experience for students. They can actively participate and interact with the information, making the learning process more enjoyable and effective.

For tourists:
1. Comprehensive information: Your website presents a comprehensive overview of Polotsk, including information on attractions, events, routes, and practical details. This is particularly beneficial for tourists who are planning a visit to Polotsk and need detailed information to make the most of their trip.

2. Language support: The availability of your website in English is crucial for foreign tourists who may not be fluent in the local language. They can access the necessary information in their native language, ensuring a more comfortable and convenient travel experience.

3. Promotion of tourism: Through your website, you contribute to promoting tourism in Polotsk by showcasing its beauty, historical heritage, and cultural offerings. This can attract more tourists to the city, benefiting local businesses and residents.

In summary, your website about Polotsk is highly valuable for school students and tourists alike. It serves as an educational resource for students, helping them learn about the city's history and culture in an engaging manner. Simultaneously, it provides comprehensive information and language support for tourists, boosting tourism and creating a positive impact on the local community.

A virtual quest game about Polotsk can significantly enhance student motivation and diversify classroom work in several ways:

1. Active engagement: Virtual quest games require active participation from students, challenging them to solve puzzles, find clues, and complete tasks related to Polotsk. This interactive approach shifts the focus from traditional classroom activities to an exciting and immersive experience, fostering a higher level of engagement and motivation.

2. Real-world application: The quest game provides an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical, real-world context. They can use their language skills to communicate, collaborate, and solve problems while exploring the history, culture, and landmarks of Polotsk. This application of knowledge enhances motivation by connecting classroom learning to a meaningful and relevant experience.

3. Gamification of learning: By introducing gamification elements, such as points, rewards, and achievements, the virtual quest game transforms the learning process into a game-like adventure. This element of competition and progress tracking appeals to students' intrinsic motivation, encouraging them to actively participate and strive for success.

4. Collaboration and teamwork: Virtual quest games often require collaboration and teamwork. Students need to communicate and cooperate with their peers to overcome challenges and accomplish goals. This collaborative aspect not only enhances motivation but also develops valuable interpersonal skills such as communication, cooperation, and problem-solving.

5. Personalized learning experience: Virtual quest games can be designed with different difficulty levels, allowing for personalized learning experiences. Students can choose quests that align with their interests and abilities, enabling them to work at their pace and maximize their motivation. This customization helps cater to individual needs and preferences, ensuring a more engaging and enjoyable learning experience.

In conclusion, a virtual quest game about Polotsk can significantly diversify and improve student motivation in the classroom. By promoting active engagement, real-world application, gamification of learning, collaboration, and personalized experiences, the game creates an exciting and motivating educational setting that enhances student enthusiasm and participation.

Contact us:
Phone:  8 0214 77-34-42
Email: Sch6-polotsk@guo.ghu.by
index: 211412, Polotsk, Marinenko street, 8
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